Leak Detection
There are many tell tale signs of a leaking pool or spa. High water bills, excessive chemical usage, dropping water level, cracking, auto-fill constantly running, mushy or soft spots around the pool, deck or coping movement, air or dirt blowing into the pool, loss of salt or conditioner, constant algae problems. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms there’s a good chance you may be losing water. Leaks that go undetected for long periods of time can causes serious damage and become very costly. It is highly recommended to test your pool or spa at least once a year by running the bucket test it’s free and simple. There are step by step instructions on this site to help you with the process, if it’s determined you have a leak please include the following information when requesting a leak detection.
- The type of vessel it is pool, spa or pool and spa combo
- How many pumps and skimmers are in the system
- If there’s a Vanishing edge or water features
- Construction material Concrete, vinyl or fiberglass
- Approximate water loss in 24 hrs
- Any additional information such as the lowest the water level has been, does it seem to lose more water when it runs, how long has it been leaking, the more information the better.
The first step in the leak detection process is to confirm that the problem being observed is indeed the result of a leak. This can be performed with the “Bucket test” a simple test designed to determine how much water loss is from evaporation and how much water loss is from an actual leak. Once a leak is confirmed we take a systematic approach using the top industry equipment we pressure test all plumbing lines, test lights, main drains and structure. Depending on where the leak is located we perform a temporary patch with a plug or epoxy and set up the bucket test one more time to make sure all bodies of water are leak free. This process gives piece of mind that after the repair is made it’s highly unlikely to have another surprise leak. We then discuss all the repair possibilities with the customer and provide a written estimate. We’re able to perform any repair no matter how big or small.
Services offered:
- Leak detection
- Pressure testing
- Line locating
- Crack repair
- Skimmer replacement
Gallons Lost Calculator
Pool Width(ft)
Pool Length(ft)

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